About Me

I'm a senior lean engineering professional with a unique blend of academic & corporate management experience. I'm not only a notable architect of knowledge-based lean product development (LPD) technology/ solutions for doing more with less, but I am also an award winning researcher/ innovator -- recognized for my extensive publications, accomplishments, contributions and services to the engineering community at large.

I'm known best for delivering many innovative, efficient and practical knowledge-based engineering (KBE) solutions to product design and development using off-the-self product life-cycle management (PLM) tools (like CATIA or NX) for aerospace & automotive companies.

I help organizations lean their process by working closely with their existing team, process and tools & identifying their inherent gaps between management's expectations, core technologies, & actual team performance or production throughputs.



July 2013 - to-date

BehanceKnowledge Solution, Manhattan Beach, California

Knowledge Solution (KSol) develops custom PLM applications (called wizards) for efficiently managing your business of lean product development. They are backed by our skilled and knowledgeable work Force well-versed in PLM/KCR technologies. Our (KSol) Business Solutions utilize a proven set of well-developed knowledge capture and Reuse (KCR) technology for building wizards, which help save significant time and costs in product design and development.


BehancePanasonic Avionics Corporation, Aviation and Aerospace, Lake Forest, CA

Motion/Automation : IFE & Seating Mobility

Directed a R&D aerospace Engineering group in in-flight Entertainment (IFE) systems development, Integration and controls. Led a highly technical group, who conceived and generated novel ideas, and innovative solutions for motion Control of display units in Aircraft suites. Helped the group to conceive top four new ideas (other than the existing IFE X-Series) for actuating (moving and positioning) any large-size monitors (24-inch & above) for a premium class (Airline Cabin) seating.

One of my group's goals was to review, and selectively implement many of such IFE concepts with their applicability to our Aircraft Cabin and their flexibility (to passengers) for rotating and positioning the display unit in an aircraft cabin suite. My group built physical IFE prototypes to validate each, and for testing (passengers') comfort, and for ensuring their ease of operation, and assessing passengers' pleasure in flying.

In the course of my R&D duties, I invented two US patents: The first US Patent was granted by US Patents Office on August 27, 2017.

The second patent was granted on April 2, 2019. The image of each patent is contained herein. Descriptions of each patent are outlined in the section entitled "Patents"


Envato Parker Aerospace, Control Systems Division (CSD), Irvine, California

(Annual sales exceeding $13 billion in fiscal year 2012, Parker is the world's leading diversified manufacturer of motion and control technologies for aircraft systems)

Change Management Leader/ Lean Specialist, Manifold Product line Engineering Design Leader/Manager, Senior Project Engineer/Supervisor


DribbbleUniversity of California (UCI) Extension, Irvine, California

Director of Engineering, Information Technologies& Sciences Dept.

DribbbleUnigraphics Solutions (UGS), now Siemens Company, Cypress, California

Director Knowledge-based Engineering (KBE), Product Business Unit

DribbbleElectronic Data Systems (EDS), General Motors Account, Troy, Michigan

ACE Technical Director, Artificial Intelligence Services Group Supervisor, Engineering Productivity Tools Group Supervisor

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Concurrent Engineering Research & Applications

Brian Prasad, Ph.D.

CERA Institute P.O. Box 193, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267, USA CERA Journal